I came across this article on retirement planning and it really got me thinking. It’s titled “Retirement planning is about more than money. How to prep your sense of identity.” It’s a good read if you’re getting closer to that retirement stage of life. Basically, the article talks about how we often focus too much on the financial aspect of retirement and forget about the importance of preparing mentally for this new stage.
To summarize it, our sense of identity is often tied to our careers and the roles we play in society. When we retire, we lose those titles and status. This can lead to depression, anxiety, and a lack of purpose. So, the article suggests we start preparing ourselves mentally for retirement by exploring new hobbies, volunteering, and building meaningful relationships outside of work.
As someone who has watched my parents retire and struggle with this transition, I know firsthand the importance of mentally preparing for retirement. My dad had a tough time adjusting to the idea of not being a lawyer anymore and lost a sense of purpose. It took him a while to find new passions and a sense of identity outside of work.
Overall, the article reminds us that retirement planning is not just about saving money, but also about preparing mentally for this significant life change. It’s important to explore new avenues and find new ways to add value to our lives. Trust me, you don’t want to wait until the day you retire to figure this out.
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